Advance Cybersecurity Management System

About the Client

BMP is a Technology and Unified Communications provider. Its clients are service providers based in the UK and globally, who offer fixed-line telephony services. By working with BMP, they have the opportunity to capture a slice of the mobile market as well.

(*Respecting the privacy concerns of our client, the name of the organisation has been changed here)

The Challenge

BMP’s existing portal required upgrading. The process of adding blacklisted IPs - which can amount to thousands - was manual and identified as an inhibitor to the company’s growth aspirations. The manual process created a backlog of problematic IPs, leaving internal and client information potentially at risk. Service providers access the system, powered by Cataleya, the Session Board of Control. Without a secure and efficient web portal, it was proving bothersome for BMP to deliver on its growth goals.

The Solution

We have transformed BMP’s portal into an advance cybersecurity management system, which not only acts as a firewall against data security breaches, but also enables selected blacklisted IPs to be pushed simultaneously - all with a single click of a button. We have also introduced role-based security, with multiple access and authority levels, increasing efficiency and safety of client information

The Result

BMP 's new and improved web portal not only saves time in managing blacklisted IPs, it has added security measures to help protect the company and client data from unwarranted cyber attacks.

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